Obviously, we are more interested in the server part here, which has 4 tabs: Basic, Advanced, Keys, and Status. Installing TomatoVPN on your router works just like upgrading any router software and if you are already familiar with Tomato, the only difference you will notice is the newly added menu-item on the lefthand side: VPN Tunneling, which allows setting up the router as a VPN client and/or server.

Leave Proxy and Advanced settings empty and move along to the router side of things: Router-Side Enter your router’s internal IP address, something like Send all traffic over VPN connection.Viscosity will copy its content and keep it in ~/Library/Application Support/Viscosity/OpenVPN. Navigate to the static.key file, you created earlier.Enter the IP address or preferably the name of your router ( DynDns to the rescue, if you don’t have a static IP).This is still very relevant and works just like I had written then, but using an ssh tunnel falls short when you want to turn the remote machine into an equal member of your home network for this we need a Virtual Private Network.
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I cannot believe that it’s really that long ago, but back in March 2008, I wrote about how to Protect your online privacy when on the road by using your Home Router as a Secure Socket Proxy.

Even if you travel, being away from home for an extended period of time, your computer can still be made part of your home-network, with just a click of a button … With a little bit of work, the same can be had for your computer. Almost like a secret handshake, dialing a number and hearing each others voice makes me part of their networkover there. Being born and raised in Germany, most of my extended family lives over there and even after all these years, a simple phone call easily reconnects me with family and friends.